• D3.4 Fuel conversion phenomena 

      Haugen, Nils Erland L; Langørgen, Øyvind; Saanum, Inge; Karchniwy, Ewa Malgorzata; Klimanek, Adam; Szlek, Andrzej; Korus, Agnieszka; Sladek, Slawomir; Bertholin, Stephane; Tebianian, Sina; Tilland, Airy; Luo, Kun; Zhang, Hancong; Sun, Liyan; Masi, Enrica; Simonin, Olivier (Research report, 2022)
    • The EU-FP7 Project SUCCESS – Scale-up of Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion using Environmentally Sustainable Materials 

      Penthor, Stefan; Mattisson, Tobias; Adánez, Juan; Bertolin, Stéphane; Masi, Enrica; Larring, Yngve; Langørgen, Øyvind; Ströhle, Jochen; Snijkers, Frans; Geerts, Lieve; Albertsen, Knuth; Williams, Gareth; Bertsch, Otmar; Authier, Olivier; Dávila, Ytalo; Yazdanpanah, Mahdi; Pröll, Tobias; Lyngfelt, Anders; Hofbauer, Hermann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The paper gives a high level overview of the work performed in the EU-FP7 funded project SUCCESS (Scale-up of oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion using environmentally sustainable materials). The project is the ...
    • The EU-FP7 Project SUCCESS – Scale-up of Oxygen Carrier for Chemical Looping Combustion using Environmentally Sustainable Materials 

      Penthor, Stefan; Mattisson, Tobias; Adánez, Juan; Bertolin, Stéphane; Masi, Enrica; Larring, Yngve; Langørgen, Øyvind; Ströhle, Jochen; Snijkers, Frans; Geerts, Lieve; Albertsen, Knuth; Williams, Gareth; Bertsch, Otmar; Authier, Olivier; Dávila, Ytalo; Yazdanpanah, Mahdi; Pröll, Tobias; Lyngfelt, Anders; Hofbauer, Hermann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The paper gives a high level overview of the work performed in the EU-FP7 funded project SUCCESS (Scale-up of oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion using environmentally sustainable materials). The project is the ...
    • Three-dimensional unsteady numerical simulation of a 150 kWth full-loop chemical looping combustion pilot with biomass as fuel: A hydrodynamic investigation 

      Sun, Liyan; Masi, Enrica; Simonin, Olivier; Langørgen, Øyvind; Saanum, Inge; Haugen, Nils Erland L (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      A hydrodynamic model for a full Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) unit was established, and simulations performed using the code NEPTUNE_CFD, which is based on an Euler-Euler approach. The unit is a 150 kWth pilot constructed ...